
10 ways to keep your luggage safe while travelling

By HUB SmartCoverage Team on June 21st, 2018

It doesn’t matter if you’re jetting off on an exotic vacation to the Caribbean or driving across the country on a road trip, there’s always the chance that you could lose your luggage or personal belongings on the way. Although no one wants to think that their airline might lose their suitcase, or that their passport could be stolen,  these things can happen when you least expect it. However, there are some things you can do to safeguard against anything going awry.

1. Make sure you have adequate locks

If you're going to be separated from your bag for any period of time, whether that’s because it’s being stowed in the hold of a flight or bus, or is in a hotel luggage holding area, it’s a great idea to lock up your bag. Having a lock acts as a great deterrent for any one opportunistic thieves. Of course, if someone is really desperate to get into your bag, they will do it no matter what, but a lock will definitely slow down the process and put them off.

Make sure that you have a strong lock, the best of which are usually opened with either a code or a key-just make sure you don’t lose it!

If you plan on travelling by air, you should make sure that your lock is TSA approved. These locks are not 100% secure, so that a TSA agent can get into your bag easily if they need to. If not they may be forced to break into your bag, which can be costly for you, and could even see you losing some possessions.

2. Know what you’re carrying

This is a basic security requirement of all airports, however it can also be useful to compile a list of everything you have packed just in case anything does go missing. Having an accurate record of your belongings is vital if you end up wanting to make an insurance claim. If you can’t be certain about what items you had then you are more likely to have your claim denied.

If you end up shopping while on vacation, you can add to the list as you go.

3. Use zip ties

Another great deerrant is using a zip tie. Although they aren’t as strong as a lock, they are a great way to tell if your bag has been tampered with. While you can cut them off easily when you get back to your hotel or home, they prevent easy access for any pesky thieves who may find themselves alone with your luggage.

Additionally, if you purchase coloured ties, you can easily identify your bag when it comes round on the baggage belt.

4. Invest in a good travel insurance policy

Not only is losing your luggage a headache, but it can also leave you with a hefty bill when it comes to replacing the contents of your bags. However, if you take the time to invest in a good travel insurance policy up front-usually only costing about 4-10% of your trip’s overall cost-you can save yourself a lot of hassle. Plus, travel insurance  can also protect you against costs incurred by delays or cancelled flights, help if any issues arise with accomodation, and cover the cost of emergency medical and evacuation. There is also the option to bundle your travel insurance with other travellers, by taking out a group travel insurance policy. The market is filled with great plans, so take the time to look around and decide which one is best for your trip.

5. Hide your valuables

If you are carrying anything expensive, whether that is jewellery or a cell phone, you should try and keep it on your personal belongings at all times. If you can’t carry them, then try and disguise them within your luggage. Popping them into a secret compartment, or even wrapping them up in clothes, is a great way to keep prized possessions hidden. Many hotels offer secure safes in hotel rooms too, if you are heading out for the day and want to keep your items safe in you room.

6. Exercise caution when using lockers and safes

Following on from the last point, it is important to note that just because a hostel or hotel has the option of a locker or safe, you are still using it at your own risk. Many of these safes can be overridden by burglars, or in a really unfortunate situation, employees of your accommodation.

While this is a less common form of theft, it does still happen, so use caution when using this kind of storage facility.

7.Keep hand luggage in sight

While you can’t always keep your checked luggage in sight, it is vital that you keep your hand luggage well within your eyeline. The second you lose track of where your hand luggage is, the minute you open up the opportunity for someone to tamper with it, or even steal it. You should never leave your bag alone, and if you need to do so for a second, leave it with someone you trust.

8. Embrace technology

These days there is a technology for everything, so it's no surprise that someone has invented a nifty baggage tracker. Of course, you want to prevent your luggage going missing at all, but just in case it does, a baggage tracker is a great way to be reunited with it. Baggage trackers are becoming more popular every day, and there are all kinds of price tags available on the market.

You simply place the tracker inside your bag, preferably somewhere it isn’t easy to spot, and it will then emit a GPS signal which can be read by  your cell phone. Some even send an alert upon landing at your destination, so that you know it has arrived safely.

9. Avoid expensive looking luggage

You might be a fashionista, but when it comes to your luggage, the less the better. Designer luggage, or expensive looking bags sends one message to a thief: money. If you’re rolling around the latest designer suitcase, chances are you are giving the impression that the contents are equally as flashy. If you want luggage to stand out, why not opt for a bright colour or patterned suitcase? Alternatively, there are all kinds of items to accessorize your case, such as coloured elastic straps and luggage tags.

10. Consider anti-theft luggage

If you are going on a trip where you think there may be more risk of your luggage being broken into or stolen-perhaps you’re heading off on a backpacking adventure or staying in a shared hostel- then you might want to invest in theft proof baggage. This technologically advanced luggage does come with a bit of a price tag, but can be well worth the headache of having to foot the bill for any stolen property. There are all kinds of brands on the market, with one leading brand being Pacsafe, who design bags that are impervious to theft. Usually they are a mix of lockable zippers and puncture-proof fabric. While they do also weigh a little more than a standard bag, they do their job well.

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