
Does travel insurance cover pre-existing conditions?

By HUB SmartCoverage Team on June 5th, 2018

If you’re a traveller with a pre-existing condition, you may be wondering how travel insurance works for you.

First off, disclosing your current and past medical history is very important when it comes to filling out your travel insurance application form. Applicants will benefit from visiting their doctor with the forms in hand to make sure they are not missing any important information about their own medical history.

Stable vs unstable condition

How does a condition qualify as stable or unstable? A doctor’s professional opinion is likely to come into play here since most policies require this information.

There are situations where a condition that your doctor deems as 'stable' is considered 'unstable' by the terms of your insurance policy.

For instance, if your doctor says that you’re cleared for travel once 30 days have passed after having some minor surgery, your insurance policy may explicitly state that medical ‘stability’ is required for at least 90 days after an operation before your medical travel coverage can begin.

These restrictions make it imperative to request travel insurance as early as possible before you travel. Last minute booking with any sort of medical condition is one way to have your travel application denied. You might as well apply as soon as you book your trip.

When travel insurance will not cover your pre-existing condition

Sometimes your travel insurance coverage is denied outright once you are found to have a pre-existing condition. Similarly, your travel insurance claim will be denied if your insurer finds you neglected to inform them of any pre-existing condition. Insurance providers will dig deep into your medical history to find absolutely any falsehood.

If you are awarded travel insurance coverage, despite your pre-existing condition, your travel insurer may only cover a sudden, unexpected loss like a missing piece of luggage or a broken arm. They may, however, exclude any claims you make relating to your pre-existing condition.

Again, it’s important to talk to your insurance provider and doctor so you're not doing anything that would void your travel insurance policy.

When travel insurance will cover your pre-existing condition

There are specialty insurers who provide travel insurance to customers with pre-existing conditions, you just have to find them.

This underserved demographic usually sees higher travel insurance premiums, but that doesn’t mean they should forgo travel insurance altogether – having a pre-existing condition makes travel insurance, at least medical, all the more important.

At Smart Coverage, for example, our insurance agents give you an individual risk rating based on your condition, to ensure you get the proper, unique coverage you require.

Though pre-existing conditions do make it a bit complicated to get travel insurance, not every insurance company is out to deny you coverage.

Also, keep in mind, your pre-existing condition combined with your age and health will go toward determining your travel insurance premium.

So, if you have a pre-existing condition and you're scheduled to travel in the near future, what are you waiting for? Give yourself enough time to shop around first, then find the best deal that fits you and your family! 

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