
What does an insurance claims adjuster do?

By HUB SmartCoverage Team on September 18th, 2018

Whether you’ve ended up with a leak that’s damaged your property, or a minor collision has resulted in damage to your car, chances are you will want to file a claim. The claims process can be simple, especially if your case is a straightforward one, but there are times when things aren’t so easy to determine-that’s when a claims adjuster might step in.

What does an insurance claims adjuster do?

An insurance claims adjuster is someone who works to complete a thorough investigation into a claims case between you and an insurance company. Claims adjusters work through all types of insurance claims-from personal injury to property, auto to travel insurance.

The main elements of their job include inspecting the damage or incident that led to the claim, reviewing evidence including police documents, speaking to any witnesses and, of course, talking directly with the claimant.

Once they have all of their facts in order, it is the claims adjuster’s role to decide who is liable, and how much the insurance company should pay out-if at all.

Why would an insurance claims adjuster get involved?

Claims adjusters tend to be  hired by an insurer when they are disputing their client’s story. While we all know it is vital we are honest with our insurer, there are still those who try and beat the system for a nice little cash payout. If you are found to be being dishonest, a claimant can be liable to fraud, which would then result in a visit to court.

Who does the insurance claims adjuster represent?

For the most part an insurance claims adjuster will be sourced by the insurance company, and so will represent them. They will work either directly for the company, or will have been hired from an independent company to work for them for the specific case. Ultimately, that means that they will be working from the point of view of the insurance company, and they won’t have your best interests in mind.

If you want to dispute the case, or feel you are being unfairly treated, there is always the option to hire your own independent insurance claims adjuster-but it will cost you. This is the best way to work if you want to avoid a conflict of interests and minimize loss.

How will they affect the claims process?

The insurance claims adjuster will be the party who decides whether the damage caused is liable to the claimant or to the insurer. This can work in your favour if they find you to be innocent, as the policy will cover all of the financial loss incurred and fix any problems. They will also be in charge of staying on top of any resulting paperwork. Their role will also include collecting their own evidence in the form of photographs, recording and interviews with witnesses.

For the most part, insurance claims are relatively easy to solve as long as you have all of the evidence. Make sure to keep any receipts that come as the result of payments incurred, take photographs, and get in touch with your insurer as soon as possible.


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