
It's time for Toronto drivers to slow down

By HUB SmartCoverage Team on March 19th, 2018

Drivers in Toronto are being told to ‘slow down’ in school zones as part of a two-week campaign to combat speeding.

Mayor John Tory launched the ‘Slow Down Toronto’ campaign to ensure children arrive at school safely following March Break

From March 19 to April 1 local police will be educating motorists about the dangers of distracted driving, aggressive driving and speeding.

It is hoped that ‘Slow Down Toronto’ will reduce the number of crashes that result in fatalities.

"Changes in driver behaviour will be the single biggest contributor to improved safety in school zones," the mayor said during a press conference at Cornell Junior Public School in Scarborough.

As part of the push towards promoting safer driving, the city is installing traffic calming signs in 12 school zones as a reminder to drivers.  

"I don't know what it's going to take for people to get the fact that it's their behaviour behind the wheel of a car that's going to have more to do with improving the safety situation than will signs and zebra stripes and technology, all of which we are going to employ," Tory continued.

The steps are all a part of the larger ‘Vision Zero’ road safety plan, set to improve safety for pedestrians and drivers across Toronto.

The news follows a similar push last September from Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act which was amended to fine careless drivers up to $50,000, receive up to two years in jail and have their licenses suspended up to five years if they cause death as a result of their driving.

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